Welcome to Emerald Medical Centre.

Emerald Medical Centre St Marys




Tel 02 98337211. Click on BOOK NOW for online booking

Our new afterhours phone number is 0452447465.




Emerald Medical Centre St Marys is a general practice and skin cancer clinic located in Western Sydney, approx. 45 Km from Sydney CBD. Established in 2003, the practice has been providing primary, continuing and comprehensive whole patient care to individuals, families and the community of St Marys and nearby areas.

The practice is modern, fully computerised, and accredited. Both male and female doctors are available to see patients. Onsite nursing support and onsite pathology services. Other health care providers include Geriatric Specialist, Psychologist, Exercise Physiologist, Podiatrist and Dietitian.

The facility is modern, and our doctors and staffs are friendly and are always available to assist the patients.


Convenient Access via public transports (buses and trains) and ample car parking near the premises.

The practice achieved full Accreditation, meeting the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) standards. We are an Accredited GP training facility that aims to boost and encourage other future GP's into the path of family medicine.



Our Team





Dr Henry H Chau

Hons MBBS (Syd Uni), FRACGP, Dip Child Health, Dip Skin Cancer, Cert work cover


I graduated with honour at Sydney University in 1997. I enjoy practising as a doctor. My work is very exciting, challenging and rewarding. I have a strong passion for patient care, paediatrics, skin cancer medicine and office procedures. My other special interests include cardiovascular medicine and diabetic care and travel medicine. I live with my wife, Joanne and two beautiful daughters Alexandra and Elizabeth in Sydney, Australia. My passion include reading, swimming, kayak fishing and spending time with my family especially my two daughters.






Dr Sindhu Dommaraju


My name is Dr Sindhu Dommaraju. I have been working as a vocationally registered GP since 2009.I did my MBBS in India and then did my basic training in Liverpool hospital and John hunter hospital for 2 yrs. I did my fellowship in Northcoast GP training, mostly working in Coffs Harbour. I have special interest in women's health and child's health. I also perform skin check and skin cancer biopsies and excisions. I have worked in many rural and urban practices mainly in Coffs Harbour, Maitland, Emu plains etc. I am experienced in wide range of GP presentations.




Dr Roshan Awmee
MBBS (Monash University), Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health, FRACGP, NSW Injury Management Consultant


Dr Awmee is an Australian trained General Practitioner with diverse clinical experience in rural and metropolitan New South Wales since 2012. His interests are child health, mental health, travel medicine, and chronic disease management. He has a deep commitment in providing high level of care to patients from varied cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic backgrounds. Apart from English, he can also speak Hindi and French very fluently.


Last but not the least, he has successfully completed the Professional Certificate of Skin cancer Medicine.


Please note: Dr Awmee does NOT prescribe opioids or any drugs of dependence.


Dr Mohamed Safi





















Dr Richard Chan

M.B., B.S. (Melbourne 2001) FRACP

Consultant General Physician and Specialist Geriatrician



Dr Anwar Shahzad








Allied Health Professionals



Ms Shammoni Hormez (Podiatrist)





Ms Sarah Dirani (Dietician)






Physiotherapist (Mobile)











Nursing Staff



Abigail (Registered Nurse)


Cherry (Registered Nurse)





Service List


Women’s Health

  • Antenatal And Postnatal Care
  • Pap Smear
  • Breast Check
  • Family Planning And Contraception
  • Implanon Insertion And Removal


Children’s Health

  • Childhood Immunisation
  • Newborn Assessment
  • Children’s Health Check
  • Developmental Assessment
  • Adolescent Health


Preventive Health

  • Blood Tests/Collection
  • Blood Pressure Check
  • Vaccination, Eg Influenza, Travel
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Weight Management


Skin Cancer Clinic

  • Skin Cancer Check
  • Skin Lesion Biopsy/Surgery
  • Cryotherapy


  • Minor Surgical Procedures
  • ECG. Heart Assessment
  • Ear syringing
  • Iron Infusion




  • Travel Medicine
  • Work Cover (Selected Doctors)
  • Counseling And Mental Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Driver’s Medical Assessments (RMS only)
  • On-Site Pathology


Fees & Charges

All consultations performed in our medical practice by the doctors are bulk billed. For those without a valid Medicare Card, a cash payment is required:

  • Standard consult $90 ($95 After Hours)
  • Long consultation $125 ($135 After Hours)


  • Most childhood vaccination and influenza vaccines are provided free if you are eligible through Medicare or government programs. We will notify you if there is a fee for the vaccine.
  • There will be fees for travel vaccinations, as these are not funded by the government.


Other Charges

  • For any service that is inadequately or not funded by Medicare, the doctor will advise you of the fee before the service is provided.


Other Policies


  • Please see our doctors if you require a referral to see a specialist, psychologist, or other allied health care provider etc. As it can take time to fully understand your problem and also to write a detailed referral for you, please be considerate in allowing adequate time for the doctor to see you before your planned specialist appointments.


Compliments And Complaints

  • If at any time you have concerns or comments to make, please do not hesitate to contact our practice manager or our Principal Doctor Henry Chau Ph: 02 98337211.
  • Alternatively, we have a feedback box located near reception.
  • Or you can contact - Health Care Complaints Commission, Locked Bag 18, Strawberry Hills, NSW, 2012        
  • Ph: 1800 043 159

Telephone Access

  • Doctors can be contacted by telephone during business hours. If the doctor is busy a message will be taken, and the doctor will get back to you.
  • If the call is urgent, you will be put straight through to a doctor or the Practice Nurse.


Electronic communication

Whilst we prefer to communicate in person or over the phone, if it is absolutely necessary, we do have an email address and fax number to receive information, both of these forms of communication are not secure. 

Highly sensitive materials will not be forwarded with these forms of communication unless it is of an urgent matter.



Home Visits

Home visits are available for patients whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery at the discretion of the Doctor.



Appointments & Opening Hours


  • At our surgery we prefer appointments be made but we also take walk-ins (patients that do not have an appointment)

  • You may book an appointment by clicking the "Book Now" at the top of this screen, otherwise you can download the "Health Engine App" on your smart phone.
  • Alternatively, you can call our surgery for an appointment Ph: 02-98337211. Our dedicated reception staff will endeavour to accommodate your needs.




Opening Hours

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8 am to 5 pm
  • Wednesday: 8:30 am to 5 pm
  • Saturday: 8.00 am to 3:00 pm
  • Sunday: CLOSED

Australian Clinical Labs - Pathology

  •  Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
  • Saturday 8.00 am - 12.00 pm 




Further supports

  • *For A Doctor After Hours House Call - 13 SICK (137425)
  • *For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders seeking 24/7 crisis support - 13 YARN (139276)
  • *Kids 24/7 Helpline - 1800 551 800
  • *Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14