Emerald Medical Centre Lane Cove
Phone 02 9420 0222
Our services include but are not limited to the following. If there is a specific service that is required but is not listed please call our centre and our receptionist will be able to answer any questions you have.
Your medical record is a confidential document and your privacy is important to us. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times, and ensure this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
Practice Communication Policy
Telephone calls from patients will not generally be put through to doctors, and patients are encouraged to make an appointment to speak with their doctor. Our reception staff are happy to take messages or assist you with any general questions regarding your healthcare. Where appropriate and needed, the doctor will return your call within 24hrs. Alternatively a practice staff member will return your call with more information or to advise you that the doctor would like to see you via appointment.
If you might have an urgent medical problem, your phone call will be transferred to our practice nurse who will then triage you according to your needs, and accordingly contact the doctor directly if there are major concerns.
Emails and Facsimiles are reviewed on a regular daily basis. Any email received will be acknowledged in a reply and passed on to the addressee. Any urgent faxes will be promptly transferred directly to the doctor. Any detailed or sensitive information is not encouraged or recommended to be sent via email to the practice as it is not a secure way of communication. Relevant telephone or email exchange will be noted in the patient’s health record to ensure continuity of care. For more information about Practice Communication Policy, please refer to Communication Policy.
Home and Other Visits
Doctors and other practice staff may make home visits to regular patients of our practice where it is safe and reasonable.
Regular patients may be offered home visits, if they meet certain eligibility criteria, including those in palliative care, immobile, or elderly and frail. The practice nurse
will assess if a home visit is needed or warranted.
Within normal opening hours, home visits may be arranged between 1-2pm on weekdays. Outside of normal opening hours, home visits may be arranged as per-needs basis. The practice also has an after-hours medical service. There are arrangements to exchange clinical details about patient care for doctors who perform home and other visits on behalf of the patient’s regular doctor and the care provided is documented in the patient’s medical records.
For regular patients whose circumstances are deemed not safe or reasonable, e.g. the patient is located too far away for a home or other visit, the practice ensures that there is an alternate system of care that these patients can access.
Patient’s right to participate in decisions about their health care
Your rights:
It is important that you have an active part in your healthcare. Our doctors will provide you information that is clearly explained and in easily understood language to help you make an informed decision. This includes the purpose, importance, benefits and risks, and possible costs associated with proposed investigations, referrals, treatments, medicines and medicine safety. Education handouts can often be provided as further aids.
Once an informed decision is able to be made, it is ultimately your decision to follow the advice of our doctor. Any decision to disregard your doctor’s recommendations, will be documented in your health record.
Arrangements for patients who require communication services
An interpreter and other communication services can also be arranged if there are any communication difficulties. Services employed include: Translating and Interpreter service, and NABS (National Auslan Interpreter Booking and Payment Service). This is a no-charge service.
Complaint Process
For more information about our Complaints resolution process, please refer to Complaint Process Policy.
Patient Feedback
If you have suggestions, comments or are unhappy with the service you have received, please contact us in writing or by email. Email: emclanecove@gmail.com, (attention to: Practice Manager) or call (02) 9420 0222. Patient Feedback Policy is available to find out how we respond to feedback and improve quality.
Alternatively you can contact AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) or state health complaints body at Health Care Complaints Commission on (02) 9219 7444.
Emerald Medical Centre St Marys
Ph: 98337211
Our services include but are not limited to the following. If there is a specific service that is required but is not listed please call our centre and our receptionist will be able to answer any questions you have.
Womens health
Childrens health
Preventative health
Skin cancer clinic
Emerald Medical Centre Quakers Hill
Phone 02 9626 6733
Our services include but are not limited to the following. If there is a specific service that is required but is not listed please call our centre and our receptionist will be able to answer any questions you have.